St. Philip Neri School

Ice Cream Social @ 6 PM

Come on out to the SPN Field for the kick-off event for our 2022-2023 school year – the ICE CREAM SOCIAL.This event sponsored by the Home and School Association will offer FREE ice cream to everyone.  Come find out which homeroom your child will have for the upcoming school year.  The entire SPN staff will be available to answer any questions you may have about their class.  Other groups will be around – Sports program, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Extended Care, etc.  The USED UNIFORM SALE will be available in the School basement near the music room starting at 4:30 PM. If you have any questions about this event, please contact HSA President, Chris Gran, at

HSA’s Charleston Wrap Kick-Off Day

The Home and School Association will be running the CHARLESTON WRAP fundraiser starting on September 7 and run through October 3.Online ordering, with convenient home delivery and free shipping options! Sales include Ultra-Heavy™ gift wrap & accessories, exclusive kitchen & home goods, holiday décor, personalization items & gifts, fragrant candles, high fashion bags, delicious gourmet foods and more!

Band Demo at 1:30 PM

A band demo will be given to our 4th and 5th grade students in the Gym.

Back to School Night – PREK-3 from 5-6:30 PM

Back to School Nights allow SPN parents meet their child’s teacher and visit the classroom.  Please meet your child in their homeroom classroom in the school.For more information, please contact the St. Philip Neri School office at

Back to School Night for Grades 4-8 from 5-6:30 PM

Back to School Nights allow SPN parents meet their child’s teacher and visit the classroom.  Please meet in your child’s homeroom classroom in the school.For more information, please contact the St. Philip Neri School office at