Clubs & Activities

Robotics Club

Fourth through eighth grade students may join one of our robotics teams that compete in the First Lego League.  In addition to robotics competitions students work on a research projects and presentations based on the year’s theme.  Past themes have included Renewable Energy and the Human Water Cycle.  Students learn to apply Catholic/Christian values in the pursuit of knowledge, friendly competition, and helping others in a team environment. In addition to the First Lego League, the St. Philip Neri Robotics Club participates in the annual RobotFest event held at the National Electronics Museum in Linthicum.  We are also members of the Catholic Robotics league and participate in events throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Contact is Mr. Phil Lathroum at [email protected]

Ambassador Club

The main goal of the SPN Ambassador Club is to inform the surrounding community about the school in hopes to recruit new students.  Ambassadors are responsible for promoting a positive image of SPN through their good behavior and attitude at all times, particularly during school visits, presentations, tours and other recruitment activities.  Participation in the Club allows members to enhance their public relations and speaking skills.

Contact is Ms. Amy Sewell at [email protected]

Adoration Club

This club meets on designated Wednesdays throughout the school year from 3:15 to 4 PM to pray for our school and parish community. We will meet in the North Lobby at dismissal, share prayer intentions, and go into the church where Our Blessed Lord, Jesus, is normally exposed in a monstrance on the altar from 9-6 every Wednesday. 

We will pray for 30 minutes using prayers that will be available to read and have quiet time. Dismissal will be from the school lobby at 4 PM. 

Meeting dates will be posted on the school calendar. 

Contact are Ms. Susan DeLoach, Ms. Amy Sewell, and Mr. John Maranto.

Ms. Susan DeLoach – [email protected]

Ms. Amy Sewell – [email protected]

Mr. John Maranto – [email protected]

Drama Jr. Club

Actors will perform a variety of skits, poems, short stories, etc.  Actors will focus on speaking in front of others, becoming different characters, working on the stage, memorizing lines, and just having fun!  Drama Jr. is for students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade.  Meetings are Monday 3-4:30 PM October through January.  Spots fill up quickly for this club!  

Contact is Ms. Amy Sewell at [email protected] 

Peer Mediators

Students interested in being a Peer Mediator should contact Mrs. Sue Porembski.  

Contact is Mrs. Sue Porembski at [email protected]

Spring Musical 

Each year our students in grades 4 through 8 are invited to audition, practice and perform in our spring musical.  Auditions are held in October and performances are in March or April.  Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Thursdays, times vary.  Students who are interested in participating in the musical but not performing are invited to join Stage Crew or Tech Crew. 

Contact is Ms. Amy Sewell at [email protected] 

Morning Fitness Stations

The SPN gym is open to students in grades 3-8 as soon as the school doors open.  Students have the opportunity to complete 5 stations spending two minutes at each.  Students work in a group of four giving them the opportunity to be active, socialize, compete, and get stronger.  Stations change periodically to develop new strengths and skills.  Current stations are; jump rope, push up, squat, Turkish get-up), and wall ball/deadlift.  Students have been taught each station in PE class and understand that the #1 goal of strength training is to avoid injury, and the second goal is to get stronger.  During stations we train strength because through strength we gain endurance, but not vice versa.

Check out more Physical Education information at Mr. Bateman’s website at:

Contact is Mr. Travis Bateman at [email protected]

Math Olympiad

Middle School girls are invited to participate in the Math Olympiad competition at The Catholic High School.  Girls compete in timed events testing out their math skills.  This is a group competition.  This event is usually held in the Fall.

Contact is Mrs. Anna Schomaker at [email protected].

National Junior Honor Society

Students are invited to join the NJHS.  Some criteria the students have to maintain an average GPA of a B+ or higher and must have a G or O in conduct and effort.  All students who qualify receive a letter of acceptance and must fill out an application stating that they have the qualities of the five pillars which are citizenship, scholarship, leadership, character, and service.

Moderators are Mr. John Maranto and Ms. Anna Schomaker

Mr. John Maranto –[email protected]

Ms. Anna Schomaker – [email protected]

Middle School Volleyball Club

All Students in middle school are invited to join this club.  

Will start on Wednesday, October 23.

Wednesdays after school!

Beginners welcome!

Meeting 1-2 times per month in the gym!

Limited spots for the club!

Contact is Ms. Megan Moxley at [email protected]



Hiking Club – 5th Grade

All Students in 5th grade are invited to join this club.  

Do you like the outdoors?  Do you like to hike, or think you would like to hike?

The hiking club consists of two groups of nine students in the 5th grade.  Cost is $10 for the year to cover various expenses.  They will hike in moderate rain or if there is snow on the ground, as long as the roads are safe.  They hike if it is cold!

Committment is two Wednesdays a month.  Each month will be a different hike, from a different trailhead.  Mrs. Bowser provides the directions/GPS locations.  Students must be transported from school to the hike BY THEIR own parent.

The final hike will be on a weekend in May or June: 5 miles on the Appalachian Trail, west of Frederick. Students must attend most meetings/hikes to qualify.

Contact is Mrs. Jennifer Bowser at [email protected]