Student Experience & Engagement
How will St. Philip Neri maintain its faith-based sense of community?
We will remain committed to our Catholic Identity through opportunity for prayer at the beginning of each day, and each class. Our faculty will continue to provide prayer services, retreats and/or liturgies in accordance with social distancing and keeping our students safe. We will continue to support our students in creative ways to serve others.
Will clubs and other extracurricular activities take place this year?
We would love to have the opportunity for students to explore their interests and passions on campus at St. Philip Neri. Clubs and extracurricular activities will be announced throughout the school year.
What support will be in place to help students, especially those new to St. Philip Neri acclimate?
Each year we host a NEW FAMILY ORIENTATION for our new families to our school. Ms. Amy Sewell, our Admissions Director, will be sending out a document with valuable information for our new families. She will also set up a time to meet by ZOOM if you have additional questions for her! She will be sending an email to the new families with the document and ZOOM time when closer to the orientation date. She can also meet in person to make your enrollment process more personable on-site.
What considerations are being made for student events - Linthicum Fair, Halloween, etc?
All school wide events will be decided on a case by case basis. We understand the importance of events and will do our best to ensure that all still take place to boost student morale.