St. Philip Neri School

Scouting Programs

Girl Scouts

Scouts are open to all girls in Kindergarten through 12th Grade in our school, parish and surrounding community. There is a variety of meeting times for troops so that it can fit into most any family’s schedule. Contact Girl Scout Coordinator, Maryann Kulesz, at for more information.

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts is open to all boys in Kindergarten through 5th Grade in our school, parish and surrounding community. Learn to tie knots, set up a tent, shoot a bow and arrow, send a secret code, build a birdhouse, and take a hike. Pack 447 is divided into smaller groups called dens, each of which has about four to ten boys. All of the Cub Scouts in your den are in the same grade. Pack 447 meets Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm and boys may sign up at any time.
For more information, contact

ScoutsBSA – Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 447 was founded in 1973 and is chartered through St. Philip Neri Church.  Since the original charter over 700 scouts have been members of the troop and over 80 have become Eagle Scouts.   The troop meets on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm and is open to all boys ages 11 to 17. Scouts learn outdoor skills such as camping, swimming, hiking, cooking, and community service projects. These young men develop character and leadership skills, and earn Merit Badges to move up in rank. 
For more information, visit, or contact the troop at