All volunteers are required to complete VIRTUS screening and training.
Volunteer Opportunities
Many volunteer opportunities are available at St. Philip Neri.
Notification of opportunities to volunteer will be sent out in our frequent email Alerts as well as through the Parent Newsletter, which comes to your email box every Friday.
- All of these events and opportunities for service will count toward your family’s 20-hour volunteer requirement. (All volunteer hours not completed by May 31 are billed at the rate of $12.50 per hour.)
- Here are just a few of the opportunities to volunteer available at SPN:
- Get involved in the Home & School Association Events – HSA helps to organize our Ice Cream Social, and runs many fun events during the school year such as the Fall Festival, Santa’s Secret Workshop, and the Family Bingo
- Parents of children in Grades 1 – 3 can contact your child’s homeroom teacher to see if they can use your help – either in the classroom or by doing something for them from home.
- Help us with lunch time any school day from 11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
- Help with the Parish Picnic or Field Day in the spring
- Chaperone a class field trip
All of the opportunities count towards Family Service Hours. Every family must volunteer 20 hours throughout the year or pay $250 at the end of the school year.

This year we have added an online system to enter your volunteer hours.
You can enter your information (name, event, hours worked, etc.) into a Google Form at the following link:
The image on the right should appear.
You can also scan in the QR code on the far right.
All hours will be checked by the coordinator of the event.
You must still sign in at the front office and receive your badge. You may contact Ms. Amy at [email protected] if you would like her to record your hours instead of using the online system.
In each report card we plan to send you an update on your volunteer hours completed. All hours must be completed by May 31, 2024.