Make A Gift Today
Make a Gift Today
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7
What an exciting time it is to be part of the St. Philip Neri School family! In the last several years, we have increased our technology including iPads and Chromebooks in every grade and continued use of our 3-D printing curriculum. Improvements and innovations like these are not possible through tuition revenue only. We rely on the support of our friends and families through the Annual Fund Appeal helps us to insure robust programs and state-of-the-art facilities for our students. We hope you will consider a gift to our Annual Fund. Gifts of any size are welcome and appreciated. Our goal is the greatest possible participation rate!

Keep in mind that many employers will match your gift so you can effectively double your contribution. The organizations included in the list below have indicated that they have a formal matching gifts program. If your company is listed here, please contact your human resources department for guidance on their application procedure. If your organization is not listed, it may be beneficial to check with your human resources department as participation in such programs changes over time. If your organization has a matching gifts program and is not listed, please contact us so that we are able to update our listing.
SPN Matching Gifts List
Remember, of course, that your contribution may be tax-deductible (please consult with your tax professional).
Please know how very grateful we are for your support! Please continue to keep St. Philip Neri School in your prayers and we will keep you and your family in ours. Gifts may be sent to the school at the address listed below.
If you have any questions about giving to St. Philip Neri School, please contact Mrs. Sue Wenzlick at [email protected].
St. Philip Neri School
6401 S. Orchard Road
Linthicum, MD 21090