Health Room & Protocol

Health Room & Protocol

What is the policy regarding staying home or working if a student, faculty or staff member is feeling unwell?

If your child is sick (COVID-19 symptoms or other) please keep him/her home from school. If your child or anyone in your home has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has been notified that they were a in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19, you must notify the School Nurse as soon as possible. The School Nurse in consultation with the health team will provide the family with directions about the student’s return to school.

Most importantly we are concerned about the safety and well being of every member of our community.  Please reach out to your family physician or the Health Department with any questions or concerns.

What are the COVID symptoms that I should be on the lookout for?

COVID Symptoms include

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Headache – new onset severe headache (bad enough to miss school)
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
What will occur if a student or employee starts to feel sick while at school?

Students/employees displaying symptoms of COVID while on campus will be sent to a separate COVID nurse’s suite before being sent home.  We will contact families (parents first, then emergency contacts) if any illness or need for a child/staff person to go home during the school day.  Risk mitigation protocols for their safe return will be provided to minimize community exposure.

What is protocol if a student, faculty or staff member receives a positive COVID test or presumptive COVID diagnosis?

If a student, faculty or staff member receives a positive COVID test or presumptive COVID diagnosis, they should contact health room coordinator at [email protected] and follow CDC guidelines to help prevent spreading COVID to others.  They must then isolate for 10 days, remain fever free for at least 3 days without medication, and have a return to school release signed by their physician. 

What if a family member or someone residing with a student, faculty or staff member receives a positive COVID test or presumptive COVID diagnosis?

If a family member or someone residing with a student, faculty or staff member receives a positive COVID test or presumptive COVID diagnosis, that student/faculty/staff member must quarantine for 10 days and remain symptom free before returning to school. Please reach out to the School Nurse for further guidance.

What should a student, faculty or staff member do if they are traveling out of state?

You must notify the school if traveling out of state or country to receive further guidance.

Is there a specified location for quarantining persons exhibiting COVID-like symptoms?

The health room has been arranged and outfitted according to guidance from CDC.  We have identified a former office within the health room as an additional space if there is a need for quarantining students who exhibit COVID-like symptoms when in school as they await a parent to arrive for them.

What procedures are in place for those exhibiting COVID-like symptoms?

The school nurse and administration will identify and notify those who will need to quarantine or undergo testing because of possible exposure to a COVID positive individual.

Parents have one hour to pick up their child when they receive a call that their child has displayed symptoms or running a fever.

Teachers will be equipped with First aid kits to preempt unnecessary trips to the Nurse’s office for minor needs.

Policy for inhalers and EpiPens remains unchanged and depends on the needs of the student.

No nebulizer treatment will be given at school this year.  Parents will be asked to consult with their physicians for alternative care plans.