Merry Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas – Christ is Born!
No School – Christmas Break!
Happy New Years Day! We pray that your 2023 year is filled with many of God’s blessings.
NO SCHOOL – We pray that everyone’s New Years Day was filled with many blessings!
Classes resume after Christmas Break.
School Epiphany Mass for all grades. All are welcome to attend!
As a way of living out two of the Corporal Works of Mercy this school year, we will be feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty through our Brown Bag Lunch Fridays project. We are asking every family who is able to send in: a bologna, ham, or turkey sandwich with cheese and mustard (please no mayonnaise) OR a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a snack a bag of chips a piece of fruit Optional: A small note or prayer; no signature required We will be doing this on the first Friday of each month. These lunches are distributed throughout the area to local homeless shelters, camps, and to others in great need. Please know that every lunch is needed and appreciated.
Please join us for a Mass geared for our middle to high school students. After Mass, we will have some food, fellowship, and fun: pizza, different activities, and faith-based discussion with guest speakers.Hilary (443-867-7947) Matteo (443-831-1127)
First Monday of the Month is our Used Uniform Exchange. The location is in the basement next to the Music Room from 3-5 PM. Please enter through the School Lobby doors to get to the basement.If you have any questions about used uniform, please contact