

It’s our ministry as Catholic educators to embody our faith in everything we do. We model and teach children how to form a personal relationship with Jesus and build a foundation for life long learning and discipleship.

Learn more about the education St. Philip Neri School provides

The Archdiocese of Baltimore Curriculum is designed to prepare students to be Catholic, College and Career Ready. Each course of study fosters students’ Catholic identity, shaping them to be models of Christian living for others. We provide students with a curriculum that is rigorous and rich in various disciplines. By continuing to implement new standards that are challenging, we work to fulfill the promise of quality Catholic education that educates the whole child: mind, body and soul.

Operating under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Baltimore Department of Catholic Schools, St. Philip Neri School follows the Course of Study developed by this educational entity. This curriculum meets and exceeds the curriculum requirements for the Maryland State Department of Education. The Archdiocese of Baltimore periodically reviews and updates curriculum. Please read the Archdiocesan Statement on Curriculum Revisions that explains the process and the value of these periodic updates.

It’s our ministry as Catholic educators to embody our faith in everything we do. We model and teach children how to form a personal relationship with Jesus and build a foundation for life long learning and discipleship.

St. Philip Neri School delivers its instructional program and curriculum in concert with the Archdiocesan Course of Studies and the regulations of the Maryland State Department of Education for non-public schools.

Faith permeates every aspect of our lives and is an integral part of all areas of learning. All children enrolled in St. Philip Neri School must attend Religion classes and services.

Academic Subjects at St. Philip Neri School


The religion program strives to achieve the three fold dimensions of message, community and service. This program offers a Christ-centered, sequentially developed learning experience based on Scripture, doctrine and a deepening prayer life.

School liturgies are held throughout the month. These liturgies are planned by individual grades throughout the year. Students and their teacher, in conjunction with the priest, select readings suitable for that day. Penance services are held periodically throughout the year.  Class Masses are held every Thursday at 9 AM and on selected Feast days.  Our pastor, Father Andy Aaron, is involved in class liturgy, penance services and paraliturgies.  Parents are encouraged to attend these services whenever possible, in order to show support of your child’s faith development.

Family Life

Physical, spiritual and emotional growth as a God-created individual is discussed within each grade (K-8) at an appropriate level in the maturity of the students.  Parents receive notification at the start of this program.  Your signature indicates your wish for your child not to participate.


Life science, earth science (including space), physical sciences, ecology with Chesapeake Bay studies, technology and use of the scientific processes are the areas of study within the science curriculum appropriate for grades 1 – 8.


Student creativity is emphasized in our art program. The study of famous artists and the exposure to various media, color theory and basic elements of design and shape assist the development of the student’s talent.

Physical Education

Spanish is introduced in PreK with emphasis on listening and speaking skills. Fourth through Eighth grades are exposed to reading and writing the language. Middle school students have Spanish class three days per week. Cultural appreciation is included in all grades.


The program combines formal computer classes with curriculum integration for all students.

Language Arts

The language arts program consists of a literature-based reading, English, and spelling program, with a strong emphasis on phonics. The process of writing is emphasized to develop the student’s ability across the curriculum.


The math program consists of building an understanding of concepts, applying arithmetic skills and developing and using problem solving skills. Our seventh and eighth grade students receive pre-algebra and algebra, based on their ability.

Social Studies

American history, world history, and geography skills are covered throughout our social studies program, emphasizing the study of facts and the cultures of peoples.


The program includes a wide variety of music which enables the student to perform rhythm, melody, and harmony with instrument and voice and understand the music with basic concepts and transcription skills.


Spanish is introduced in PreK with emphasis on listening and speaking skills. Fourth through Eighth grades are exposed to reading and writing the language. Middle school students have Spanish class three days per week. Cultural appreciation is included in all grades.


Grade appropriate skills are emphasized including an appreciation of literature and the proper use of the library.