Before & After School Extended Care

Before & After School Extended Care

Saint Philip Neri School offers a licensed/Letter of Compliance Extended Care program providing before and after school care and a summer program that provides enrichment and fun activities for students of our school.

Program Description

The program is open to children who are entering Pre-K through Grade 8 and enables SPN students to participate in many different activities. Under the supervision of trained staff, participants are guided toward positive values, responsibility, resourcefulness, and caring for others.  The program provides a homelike atmosphere where the child is able to choose among a variety of activities.  These activities include arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, field trips and much more. An afternoon snack is provided.

Operation Times

The center will be open from 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will also be open when the school is closed for half days, and other school holidays, except for Christmas and Easter.  The center will be closed when school is closed for snow, floods or severe weather.


The adult/child ratio is at least one adult for every 15 children. There will be a director who will be over 21 years old with experience and course work in the field. There will also be at least one aide who will be over 16 years old and has experience in the field.


For the 2025-2026 school year, the costs are:

  • Full-time care- $350/month
  • Part-time care (three days per week)- $285/month
  • PM Care only- $290/month
  • AM Care only- $160/month

 (These include early dismissal and professional days)

Drop-in Rates also available- contact Main Office for more information.

If interested please contact Ms. Carla Ratliff through the school office, by email [email protected] or call at 667-289-7112.