Arts & Music
Arts & Music
Spring Musical
Student auditions begin each fall for the Spring Musical. Rehearsals begin in October. Students are cast into a variety of roles. With help from moderators and volunteers, students design and build the set, learn lighting and sound, make costumes, and actually perform onstage. Interested students should sign up for auditions if they would like to perform, or indicate interest if they would like to work behind the scenes.
Past performances include Annie Jr. (2007), Alice and Wonderland Jr. (2008), Godspell Jr. (2009), Beauty & the Beast Jr. (2010), Aladdin Jr. (2011), Into the Woods Jr. (2012), The Little Mermaid Jr. (2013), The Wizard of Oz Jr (2014), Peter Pan Jr. (2015), Alice and Wonderland Jr. (2016), Willy Wonka Jr. (2017), Mulan Jr. (2018), Mary Poppins, Jr. (2019), Godspell Jr. (2020), Matilda Jr. (2022), Annie Jr. (2023), and Beauty and the Beast Jr. (2024).
2024 Beauty and the Beast Pictures 2024 Beauty and Beast Program
Show dates are:
Friday, April 11 at 6 PM
Saturday, April 12 at 1 PM
Saturday, April 12 at 6 PM
Contact the following for more information:
Mrs. Amy Sewell at [email protected] or Mr. Phil Lathroum at [email protected]

Drama Club Jr.
Drama Club Jr. actors will perform a variety of skits, poems, short stories, etc. Actors will focus on speaking in front of others, becoming different characters, working on the stage, memorizing lines, and just having fun! Drama Jr. is for students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Meetings are Monday 3-4:30 PM October-January. Spots fill up quickly for this club!
Drama Jr begins in October. Click on the Form below to print, complete and turn in your registration to Ms. Amy below:
DRAMA CLUB JR Registration Form
Contact is Ms. Amy Sewell at [email protected]

SPN School Chorus
A year-round club, Chorus is open to students in grades 5-8. Students are divided into Sopranos and Altos, and also learn two and three-part harmonies. They meet on Mondays from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Students perform at school masses, featured in the annual Christmas Program, and participate in Linthicum Community events such as the Fair and the annual Christmas Tree Lighting. They also perform at the AOB Choir Festival which is usually the first Saturday in May.
Contact is Mr. Phil Lathroum at [email protected]

SPN School Instrumental Music Program
Instrumental Music for America is an “On School Time” educational teaching program designed to give young students in grades 4-8 the best possible opportunity to learn to play a band instrument.
The program employs only those highly-qualified teachers who have earned college degrees in the field of instrumental music. This program operates as follows:
Students will receive one class lesson per week in groups of like instruments. These lessons will be 30 minutes long. All students in Advanced Band are required to participate in the weekly scheduled after-school band practice. The payments for these lessons are billed directly to the home. Students, when enrolling, may obtain an instrument through the program’s rental plan. After school band classes will be held for Advanced Band members.
For more information about the St. Philip Neri Band Program:
- Instructor: Ms. Cassandra Hightower
- Band Website:
- Registration form – 2024-2025 Band Letter
- Instrumental rental info – Instrument Flyer
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 330-646-9808

Talent Show
Open to all SPN students! A yearly event where students show off their talents! The 8th Grade students are featured in this production.
Show date is May 15, 2025!
Contacts are:
Ms. Amy Sewell at [email protected]
Mrs. Luz Morales at [email protected]