Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry at SPN

The St. Philip Neri Middle School youth group is open to all students in grades 6-8.

Youth Mass and MS information and permission forms will be on the pastorate website under Youth and Young Adults in the menu.–young-adult.html
Currently waiting to hear about the YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS from the coordinators.
Young Adults, High School, and Middle School


Youth Ministry kicks off September 17, 2023!

Youth Masses

Please join us for a Mass geared for our middle to high school students.  These masses are held on Sundays (one per month) at 5 PM.

After Mass, we will have some food, fellowship, and fun: pizza, different activities, and faith-based discussion with guest speakers.

The 2023-2024 Youth Mass dates are:

September 17, October 8, November 12, December 10, January 14, February 4, March 10, April 14, May 5, and June 9


Hunter    (443-422-4006) [email protected]

Matteo  (443-831-1127) [email protected]